National days of the week 11/7 – 11/11

By Amanda Martin, Staff Writer

There is a  national day each and every day of the year. Here are the national days of this week.

Monday: Color The World Orange Day

This day is dedicated to bringing awareness to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. This day was founded in 2014.

Tuesday: National Cappuccino Day

A cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink. In the mid 1900’s, cappuccino was made more widely available in North America.

Wednesday: National Scrapple Day

Scrapple is typically eaten as a breakfast side dish. The first recipes for scrapple were created by Dutch colonists.

Thursday: National Vanilla Cupcake Day

This is a day for dessert lovers across America. Cupcakes have also been known to be called Fairy Cakes, Patty cakes, and Cup Cakes. Cupcakes can be traced back to 1796.

Friday: National Sundae Day

An ice cream sundae usually has one to two scoops of ice cream topped with a syrup or sauce. It was named for the day it was created. The oldest known record of an ice cream sundae is an advertisement in the Ithica Daily Journal dated October 5, 1892 with the day being Sunday.