Frank Ocean: A Revolutionary Artist

Frank Ocean is a 31 year old R&B artist, who has been in the game for several years now. Ocean has released multiple albums that have received wide critical acclaim.

Wolfgang Tillman

By Kensly Landry, Online Editor

You might be asking yourself right now: who is Frank Ocean? If you have to ask yourself that question, I suggest you look into him as soon as possible. Frank Ocean is an international super-star. Frank Ocean is a young man from California. Frank Ocean is, perhaps, the best musician of this generation.

Frank Ocean is a truly transitional artist within the R&B industry. His music is a work of art from the lyrics to the instruments to the beat changes. Ocean’s work in the music industry began far from the release of his debut album, Channel Orange, which came out in 2012. He began as a songwriter (ghostwriter) for other musicians. Ocean later joined the hip-hop group, Odd Future, where he became close friends with fellow musician, Tyler the Creator.

When Frank was signed to Def Jam Records, this is when his singing career began to take off. He released his debut mixtape in 2011, titled Nostalgia, Ultra. After this, Ocean began to work on his album, which would change his life forever.

When Ocean released Channel Orange, critics were impressed. It’s no surprise the album was such a success with hits such as “Thinkin Bout You”, “Pyramids“, “Crack Rock”, and “Lost“. With upbeat, catchy tunes like “Lost” and “Crack Rock”, Ocean proves that music can have a deeper meaning, without having to be a necessarily “sad” song. This album secured Ocean a seat as one of the greatest R&B artist’s of his generation.

His latest album, Blonde, was released in 2016, and is almost on par with Channel Orange, almost. Blonde was another work of musical genius, however with a slightly different sound then previously heard from Ocean. He still keeps a very one-of-kind style like he did within Channel Orange. On Blonde, Ocean has some hit tracks such as “Nights” that feature an amazing beat switch up that is not seen among most mainstream artists.

Ocean’s music is so influential and has given him so much fame because it is truly just fantastic music. His music mixes a feature of hip-hop, soul, and pop. Not only does Ocean have such influential and inspiring music, he is also, reportedly, bisexual, having received some backlash when he opened up about his relationship with a man. However, his sexuality doesn’t change the remarkable sound and influence of his music.

Despite rarely releasing music and having essentially zero social media presence, Ocean has amassed a large fan-base across the globe. There’s good and there’s great, and then there’s Frank Ocean.