Senior Year of High School is one to remember. However, with all the fun things to enjoy classwork can become tiresome.
Freshman Year, the new fish in the pond, surrounded by new faces, wandering the halls lost, looking for the classroom. Then sophomore year rolls around, more respect is gained, no longer underclassmen, and acquainted with the school. But wait Junior Year Knocks at the door and guesses what that means. Piles of AP classes, SAT Prep, and sleep… well the lack of it. Finally, senior year has arrived, from photos, and painted parking spots, to wearing the cap and gown and waving goodbye as a new adventure awaits. But wait do not move too fast. Before seniors graduate remember there is still homework to do, do not forget to study for the test, and finish the applications or else there is a price to pay.
It’s exciting to finally be in the last year of High School but it doesn’t mean seniors are exempt from work. Senioritis is a real phenomenon.
What Is Senioritis?
Senioritis as defined by Webster is “an ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.” While High School can be a challenging point in life senior year may leave students overwhelmed.
As a senior getting ready to go to college can feel like the ending of a student’s high school career. However, “[acceptance] can be easily revoked at the last minute if seniors fail to keep their grades up until graduation. In addition to reversed acceptances, colleges can also adjust financial aid packages to reflect a student’s lack of motivation if grades take a nosedive during the second half of senior year.”
Statistics on Senioritis
By conducting a poll of 13 seniors, it was found that 92 percent of the seniors have been unmotivated in some classes, 69 percent have felt tired during school, and 86 percent felt behind in some classes.
To help keep seniors on track here is a list to help overcome senioritis
1. Have an agenda
plan out your work, or use an app such as To-Do.
2. Get your work done ahead of time
Do not wait till the day of the due date. Start your project or homework ahead of time. Spending time on tik-tok will not help in the long run.
3. Make sacrifices
While going to a game may be fun, a late grade will not be. Therefore, utilize time wisely.
4. Talk to teachers.
Do not understand what’s going on.? Well, don’t be afraid to speak up. Go to tutorials or use advisory to get help to stay on top of your work.
5. Plan out goals
Mark out set times to finish homework or other tasks. For example, try to complete most homework by dinner time.
6. Do not rush Senior Year
Take it day by day. Enjoy the memories and set out times for days of rest.

Eryn Rainer is a junior and it is her second year on the newspaper staff. In her free time she likes to study the Bible, play volleyball, and scrapbook....