Living Water International: Donate Today

Jennifer Anderson

Living Water cake donated to raise money for wells in Africa

Living Water International is a non-profit, faith-based organization that was founded in 1990 and operates in more than 20 countries with its headquarters in Houston, Texas. It helps developing countries dig wells to sustain communities in the area. This is a beneficial project because over 783 million people around the world lack access to clean, drinkable water; and without this water, many diseases and problems arise, forcing communities to remain impoverished.

Living Water International began when a group of people traveled to Kenya and saw a tremendous need for a fresh water resource. So when the group returned to Houston, they began this non-profit organization that accepts donations from people to go back to Kenya and build wells. Once the money is raised to build a well, they get a team of local people from Kenya and train, consult, and equip them to build these wells. This process has continued for many years and over 15,000 wells have been dug to this day.

There are many ways to donate. For example, there are many runs for the organization that are set up where you get people to sponsor you and the proceeds are donated to Living Water. Also on the website you can set up your own donation page where your friends and family can donate. There are many creative ways to donate to this wonderful organization, so feel free to get creative with it and have fun, because clean water saves many lives each day!

The Wrangler Online encourages you to support Josh Gremillion and his mission to build a well in Zambia. Gremillion is a junior at Clemens High Schools who has a passion for helping others and has helped Living Water International in the past. You can click on the link to help Gremillion  reach his goal to raise $15,000 to help in well construction.