Waiting For Forever

Waiting For Forever

Waiting for Forever

Release Date: Feb. 4, 2011
Runtime: 95 min
Category: Drama | Romance
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Almost every girl dreams of being pursued by one certain guy all her life. More than likely, it never happens—except to Emma (Rachel Bilson).

Emma and Will (Tom Sturridge) grew up together and were each other’s best friend until they lost touch after Will was forced to move away when he was ten years old. As Emma lived her life away from home as an actress, Will remained faithful to her the whole time. But, she didn’t know it. Before they parted, Emma let Will know that there will always be someone who loves him. He has believed those words ever since she spoke them.

Emma returns home after many years to see her parents because her dad’s health begins to decline. In her hometown, she is reunited with Will after he gains the nerve to tell her who he is. They begin to realize more things about what has been lost throughout the years of separation. They are both pushed to their own limits by being back in the same town again together.

If you ever need a night to just get away from everything, this is definitely a movie that will give you the tingly love feeling by the time the credits roll. This movie is out on DVD and can be instantly watched on Netflix.