Look Up to the Sky and See…

An occurrence that is very rare is happening in our night sky.


If you have never seen it before, this is the moon.

By Kyler Telge, Staff Writer

If you care enough to lose some sleep this will be your only chance to see the “Super Blue Blood Moon” since it occurs once every 150 years. Nicknamed the “Super Blue Blood Moon” for its tight schedule to keep and not many names being left in the “lunar events” bin three different events[change this?] are taking place early in the morning Wednesday the 31.
For anyone who might not know what each individual event is here is the long and short of it:

Blood Moons happen when the reddish tint of the sun is reflected by the totally eclipsed Moon.

Blue Moons occur when there are two full moons in a calendar month.

Super Moons happen when the Moon is in its closest path to Earth, formally called a perigee, and is the fullest it can be.

Totality is said to start around 4:50 AM and end at around 6:10 AM so even if you don’t get to catch all of it may be waking up early is worth the sight of a lifetime.